So turns out that DW 733 and 733-QS are not the same, good news is that if you have QS then replacing the cutterhead is much easier and doesn't require you to remove the drive chains and gears that power the rollers because they are located on the other side. The video you find on findbuytool was enough to guide me through the process and i figured out the rest on my own.
The tear out is mostly gone, amazing results with no visible knife marks. If you see any lines then one of the carbide inserts isn't seated correctly, be very careful when installing them and do it slowly even though there is like 56 of them. When you are done installing the cutter and all inserts - leave the machine open (CAREFUL!), put a scrap board along the whole width and check for marks.
Dust extraction is much better and doesn't clog because the shavings are smaller.
Important: This machine originally only has 2 knives and i installed a helical head with 4 rows. I can hear a significant increase in load on the motor (during deeper cuts or when using wide boards) and i know that i can only take shallow cuts, use table saw or band saw if you need to remove a lot of material. I considered removing 2 rows of inserts to lessen the load but as long as i don't overdo it i don't have issues. I take the shallowest of cuts when using the whole width of the planer with wide boards.
Not having to level the knives is a dream, i absolutely hated doing it in any machine but this machine especially. You cant see anything in there and the metal gadget they give you can easily damage knives leaving you with lines on your boards. No such worries with this head, I had it for around 2 months now, felt solid and well made. Planed maybe 200 boards with it, like i said - tear out is almost gone except in most trickiest of grain patterns and even then its much smaller. Previously i was dancing with the board and flipping it around trying to reduce it, now i don't care.
All in all - fantastic upgrade, highly recommend. Had some issues with Polish customs and findbuytools support was very responsive and helpful even at odd hours of the day/night.